Jessie Arms Botke Gallery

The Art and History of Jessie Arms Botke



Jessie Arms Botke 1883-1971


Buying & Selling Fine

Jessie Arms Botke Paintings!


Jessie Arms Botke Gallery is devoted to the art and history of Jessie Hazel Arms Botke [1883-1971] and more! We are active buyers and sellers of Jessie Arms Botke paintings! On this site you will find a Jessie Botke biography, partial inventory of paintings, historical information and useful links that we hope you enjoy and find useful. You may find us a valuable resource to purchase or sell Jessie Arms Botke paintings -- you may also wish to add your name to our mailing list to be notified of new availabilities! 


Jessie Hazel Arms Botke -- Bonhams


Our Commitment is the preservation of the vanishing treasures of Jessie Arms Botke's art to benefit present & future generations of collectors, museums, art historians, students and art lovers. In that regard we can be your resource tool for the conservation, research, evaluation, framing and care of your valuable painting...if you wish to sell we can find a good home for your painting, many of our buyers are always interested in knowing about new Jessie Botke paintings in the marketplace.